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ECTN Conference and General Assembly

April 7-9, 2022 - Budapest, Hungary

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The event is organized by the Hungarian Chemical Society and the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

The main organizer - The Hungarian Chemical Society

The Hungarian Chemical Society (HCS) is one of the oldest professional organizations in Hungary which was founded in 1907.

The Society’s primary objectives include the establishment of a professional public forum for the country’s chemists and provision of the national chemical sciences, education, and industries with indirect support.

The Hungarian Chemical Society represents about two thousand and five hundred chemists in academia and industry. The Society has 10 Regional bodies and 8 Workplace groups and supports 24 Divisions and 13 Working Parties, covering the main fields of chemistry.

HCS edits and supports various national and international journals. HCS has established Prizes and Awards to recognise achievements by individuals in advancing the chemical sciences and to acknowledge outstanding services for the Society. HCS sponsors or promotes a number of international activities such as scientific conferences.

Chemistry in Hungary

The education of chemists and chemical engineers has a long-standing tradition in Hungary. Many Universities offer degree programmes on Bachelor, Master and PhD levels. The most important of these are the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the Eotvos Lorand University, and the University of Debrecen. All these universities are members of the European Chemistry Thematic Network Association. The Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, which would host of the ECTN Conference and General Assembly in Budapest, was established on 1 February 2021, and has become one of the largest agricultural-focused, multidisciplinary higher education institutions in Europe. The teaching of the basic branches of chemistry also plays a significant role in this university, as they form the basis of all other professional subjects within food and agricultural sciences.

The most prestigious results of the standard of Hungarian chemistry education are marked by the Hungarian Nobel Laureates in Chemistry:

  • 1925 Richard A. Zsigmondy (1865-1929)
  • 1943 George de Hevesy (1885-1966)
  • 1994 George A. Olah (1927-2017)